Luxe3400 - Birthstone Earrings

Luxe3400 - Birthstone Earrings

Month & Stone
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Atome, Shopback Hoolah, GrabPay available in Singapore.

The Luxe3400 birthstone earrings are a perfect mix of sophistication and personal charm. Made from stainless steel with a luxurious 14k gold plating and reinforced with 5 layers of electroplating for long-lasting colour protection, these earrings feature a beautiful birthstone-inspired design, allowing the wearer to add a personal touch.

Each earring has a sparkling round gemstone at the stud, with a sleek, linked chain dangling gracefully, creating a subtle yet elegant movement. The design is versatile and stylish, ideal for daily wear or special occasions. The collection offers multiple birthstone options, adding a sentimental and customizable touch to this refined accessory.

Key Features:

  • Material: Stainless steel with 14k gold plating.
  • Finish 5 layers of electroplating for enhanced colour protection.
  • Design: Round birthstone gemstone stud with a dangling chain for added movement.
  • Customizable: Available in multiple birthstone options.
  • Lightweight and comfortable for everyday or formal wear.
  • Versatile style is suitable for various occasions.



快递:约 1 - 3 个工作日*
当天送达:24 小时内(+25 美元)*
标准配送:约 5 - 14 个工作日*

对于“买 2 送 2”等促销活动的订单,必须在付款产品上应用当日送达费,才有资格享受当日送达服务。



快递:约 3 - 6 个工作日*
标准配送:约 5 - 14 个工作日*


快递:约 3 - 6 个工作日*
标准配送:约 5 - 14 个工作日*


全球快递:约 4 - 12 个工作日*
全球标准配送:约 5 - 14 个工作日*

* 可快递

除非另有说明,否则所有产品均采用标准配送。根据队列情况,雕刻可能需要额外 1-2 个工作日才能送达。当天送达的雕刻将在同一天完成。请注意,上述运输时间只是快递公司的估计报价。因此,我们不对发货后的任何延误负责。由于运输、定制和生产过程中存在许多不可控因素,尤其是在高峰期以及 COVID-19 疫情期间,因此偶尔会发生延误。


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